This animation was used for a sophomore year game class. The game was a learning experience in working with people that you don’t necessarily want to but did not produce a working game. This opening animation the artists on the team put together turned out much better. I modeled, textured,…
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This was my final for an early animation class in Sophomore year. It tells the tale of a sock that escapes the laundry to fulfill its dream of joining a puppet show. It was inspired by a bit in stand up by Jerry Seinfeld. I modeled, rigged, and animated it…
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This animation was for my sophomore year motion capture animation class. All the character animation is taken from MoCap data taken using Vicon Blade software. I then cleaned up the data in Motion Builder before putting it into a scene in Maya. I did all parts of the project, except…
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This was made for my Organic Modeling course over 5 weeks in Junior year. We had to combine two animals in a way that made biological sense. I chose to combine the Bat and Penguin to allow the penguin to fly in the sky as well as swim under…
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